Happy New Year Everyone! Keeping up with our reflections for 2012 - yvonne thackray


Culture demands that, in December, we take some time to reflect what’s happened over the whole year. However, the reflection that is most likely to occur is what has happened within the last couple of months, and we presume that this is the sum of the entire experience for the year. The resolutions that we end up with are something we desire rather than motivated to happen, and they often become quite short-lived ventures. Taking the time to reflect and learn from the past year takes effort, but like a muscle with repetitive practice and over shorter time periods it becomes quicker to access, and we can see the overall picture. Having the awareness and an understanding of both the good and bad events from 2012, it now allows us to have some control in the decisions we make for 2013.

For the good coach, it is about what has happened since it inception and where it is heading too. The concept of the good coach emerged after spending time in New York, and it confirmed my observation of what’s needed in the global market: a place where a panel of coaches can work together and bring the benefits of economies of scale and the diversity of our expertise. Utilising technology and working in virtual arenas, it allows the good coach to work across the globe in many ways as well as leave a small carbon footprint. Our responsibility as coaches, regardless of our specialty, is ultimately about caring for individuals whilst partnering with them to fulfil their potential and purpose along their journey; and beyond that is to ensure that there is a place for future generations to enjoy too.

Bringing together the coaches who make up the good coach has been a rewarding process. Finding passionate coaches who are willing to step into a non-profession and be apart of the next pioneers in making coaching a profession by pushing the current boundaries and raising the standards so that we are more in align with what's known as traditional professionals, is one of the goals of the good coach.

Our motivation for coaching to be acknowledged as a profession is influenced by our individual journeys. the good coach coaches are well educated, having completed a bachelor’s degree and often a post graduate qualification too, and having worked with success in traditional professions. Our previous careers and continuing education has taught us a lot, and openly we bring both the successes and failures of those experiences to our coaching as that makes up our professional coaching identity. By integrating our knowledge with our coaching skills, we make unique listeners who are able to ask guiding questions towards the client's desired goal in a safe environment.

Developing and refining the good coach unique selling proposition, like any other business, is our work in progress. We focus on providing coaching to professionals who work within organisations, and need that little extra support at certain points along their career that helps to improve their overall performance. This is what we do best. However, we also recognise our limitations as a coach with respect to whom we partner best with especially as we are working together on non-linear, often irrational, subject areas. Building trust between ourselves and our clients, developing a professional relationship where respect is intrinsic, and recognising our ethical boundaries makes us that little more careful with whom we work with. At the good coach, we do not provide a one solution fits all. We offer tailored processes that meet the needs of both the client and the coach.

Time will tell about the fortunes garnered from the good coach, but one thing is clear to us all, change is inevitable, and it about our ability to adapt to those changes. Working with our clients in 2012, we know we have contributed in our small way to support them to develop appropriate and healthy behaviours to face the changes/challenges from a safe space. We look forward to continuing to have meaningful conversations with our the good coach clients in 2013!

Looking forward in a new year by Charlotte Murray (Guest)

Keep Calm and Count My Blessings - nicholas wai

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