Born for Adventure (Part 1) by Joanna Chin (Guest)

On 9 Jan 2020, in the midst of deep fissures surfacing in Hong Kong, I wrote an article about my naughty 103 year old grannie and her sufferings as a young woman. (What I learnt from my 103 year old Grannie) At the end of the article, I expressed my hope for 2020; “My hope for 2020 and beyond is this: to stop and pause to capture
transcendent beauty even in places of darkness, where love and kindness abide.”
Little did I know that this was an overture of my life message for 2020 and beyond.

Anxiety originates from an absence of adequate knowledge and experience by Pradip Shroff (Guest)

Onboarding an external President into a newly formed group of an organization with international presence is a challenge because of what is at stake. Recognizing the scope of work that was facing the new president, the CIO*, invited me to become his external coach and support him as he started his new role. In this blog, I share my case study and holistic approach to coaching this client. All names have been changed.

Coaching as a manager by Epimetheus

Can a manager ever be a coach to someone they manage? This question is the subject of chapter 18 in ‘The Complete Handbook of Coaching’. And it is something I have been thinking about for a while now. Managers are encouraged to adopt a ‘coaching style’ and Civil Service Learning offer a programme of self-study with videos, reading material and a three-hour face-to-face workshop to do just that.

Exploring the future of coaching post-Covid by David Lines and Yvonne Thackray

The pandemic has provided an opportunity for coaches to re-evaluate and take stock of the practice and business and determine how they want to deliver coaching. Coaching is often described as the 'Wild West' because it has a perception that many who come into coaching consider that it's easy to earn money in coaching, versus those people who are coming to coaching to deliver something of value through coaching.

Here's What My Executive Clients And I Share by Dr. Lilian Abrams, Ph.D., MBA, MCC

A few years ago, my dear colleague Yvonne Thackray asked me, “Who are your ideal clients?” I was puzzled by the question. “I can work well with any leader who wants to work with me”, I said. To me, it was a simple question of them being motivated to achieve their coaching goals, and their feeling with a comfortable fit with me. She countered by saying that she suspected that that might not be the full picture.